AN ECHO THAT NEVER FADES  PART 2                                                           

     Medium: Sound installation, Galvanized iron, cast iron, gold leaf, bone, wood, ox bone conduction transducer, lithium battery

      The nine iron buckets, serve as both a metaphor for the repetition of history and a suggestion of the multiplicity and fragmentation of narratives. The gold-leafed bones form a disturbing juxtaposition, a stark warning about the transience of glory: the opulent gold leaf does not symbolize eternal splendor, but rather a bitter mockery of the vanity of power, a futile attempt to conceal the shadow of death and the wounds left by violence. Bone-conducted sound blurs the lines between inner experience and the external world. Poetry is not received through traditional hearing, but transforms into physical tremors, reaching the skull directly, touching the abyss of consciousness. This is a private, almost invasive experience, as if the trauma of history is internalized as a visceral personal pain. Those unspeakable experiences, swallowed by the torrent of the times, find expression in the body's resonance.